Friday, July 31, 2015

why I'm starting a blog. aaaaagain.

This dang cursor is blinking at me waiting for me to list the reasons. I swear I have some. Some good ones. Let's just do this bullet proof style. Does blogger even have that option?

  • YUP. party blower emoji. 

  • I miss writing. I miss forming fully thought out sentences without interruptions every 2 seconds. 
  • I want a place to share about my kids and maybe selfishly, a little about me...but mainly the kids and ditch facebook. Instagram is still super active. 
  • I also want a place I can dump all my photos. I feel like they forever stay on my phone and my big girl camera and no one else gets to see them and all their glory. jkjk they aren't amazing. otherwise I would post them to instagram. kidding again. kinda.
  • I want a pretty blog. I do. but I also don't want to pay for it. 
  • I want this to be a space where I feel like I'm sitting down with a friend over coffee and I'm just sharing my life. That's it. 
welcome. grab a cup of coffee and stay awhile. you know, once I actually start posting stuff.